Comprehensive program management for 
any type of environment utilizing automated assets

AutoSave provides version control, backups, historical tracking, flexible user permissions, electronic approval and audit trails, automatic change detection, and disaster recovery in: PLC, CNC, SCADA systems, robots, HMI, drives, welders, workstations and documents. 

Reduce Downtime

Ensure that if a program is lost due to device failure, power loss, etc., the most current copy of program logic can be automatically retrieved so plant operations can be restored quickly and correctly.

Reduce Errors

Validate the program running in the processor matches the reference program you designate. This enables you to detect and identify changes that may have been unknown or unauthorized, thereby protecting your process, people and equipment.

Increase Quality and Compliance

AutoSave supports electronic signatures and workflow approval for programs, electronic signatures and audit trails for documents, multiple review statuses, verification and confirmation processes, password control, and more.

Increase Security

Prepare, detect and recover from cybersecurity threats to networked devices. User access protection ensures that only authorized users can access programs and make changes.


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key features

AutoSave automatically captures all program changes as they are made and stores it as a new version in a central server location. Users have easy access to the master copy and older revisions so if a program is lost, or an incorrect change is made, the correct version can be immediately uploaded to the device.

Version control 
and backup

AutoSave automatically captures all program changes as they are made and stores it as a new version in a central server location. Users have easy access to the master copy and older revisions so if a program is lost, or an incorrect change is made, the correct version can be immediately uploaded to the device.

Change detection 
and notification

AutoSave can periodically compare the program running in each device with the current copy in AutoSave and identify any differences. Detailed comparison reports are generated, and users are notified of differences via e-mail.

AutoSave notification differences

AutoSave can periodically compare the program running in each device with the current copy in AutoSave and identify any differences. Detailed comparison reports are generated, and users are notified of differences via e-mail.


Our Electronic Signature feature provides 21CFR11-compliant approvals for all your documents, ensuring secure and traceable processes. With multiple review statuses, verification and confirmation processes, as well as additional security features like password control, electronic log messages, and configurable approval messages, you can have peace of mind that your documents are protected.

Electronic signature 
and workflow approval

Our Electronic Signature feature provides 21CFR11-compliant approvals for all your documents, ensuring secure and traceable processes. With multiple review statuses, verification and confirmation processes, as well as additional security features like password control, electronic log messages, and configurable approval messages, you can have peace of mind that your documents are protected.

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AutoSave Portal supports users at all levels of a customer facility to manage information regarding the on-going operations of their facility. This is achieved through the AutoSave Portal that can be accessed from any computer, tablet, or phone that has access to your AutoSave System. The authenticated user in the portal can set up a customized dashboard to see any information pertaining to the on-going operations of the facility. It could focus on sub-sections of the facility or could provide summary review all operations.

  • Live monitoring of revision activity, command groups, agents, critical program data (version, processor type, last time changed, last time verified and more)
  • Critically important data when assessing cybersecurity risks (firmware version, processor type and more)
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AutoSave AVEVA


AutoSave for System Platform (A4SP) provides change management for AVEVA/Wonderware System Platform objects, graphics, templates, instances, and more. By gaining control over object changes, AutoSave enables users to:

  • Remove undesired changes
  • Detect object associations and differences in versions
  • Validate changes between production and Dev/QA Galaxies
  • Restore object changes following a Galaxy restoration
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Maximize the potential of your AutoSave system with our expertly crafted add-ons, each designed to streamline and enrich your data management experience. 

Active Directory

Active Directory synchronizes user information and defined groupings from your Active Directory with groups in AutoSave.

Program Export Event Module

The Program Export Event module allows users to export a duplicate of an AutoSave program whenever a new version is created.

AutoSave PC Image Backup

AutoSave PC Image Backup provides a revision control system for image files created by Acronis Cyber Backup, enabling fast disaster recovery through both on-demand and scheduled backups, with the ability to customize PC data storage. 

Reports Module

The AutoSave Reports module further enhances the reporting capability of AutoSave by allowing you to generate over 100 unique reports from the historical data stored in AutoSave’s database. 


The Program Importer speeds up the creation of new programs in AutoSave. It configures AutoSave programs from a bulk data source (Microsoft Excel) and generates program information such as folders, program paths, program names, locations, and more.


Brochure Brochure

AutoSave brochure

Explore all the features of AutoSave in the brochure.

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Datasheet Datasheet

AutoSave datasheet

Unlock technical insights with our datasheet. 

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AMDT Image AMDT Image

Life Sciences Breakthrough

A leading pharmaceutical facility adopts AutoSave for sophisticated configuration management and to exceed regulatory compliance standards.

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Steel Production Steel Production

Mitigate PLC failures

A specialty metals manufacturer recovers from significant product loss caused by an unnoticed PLC code change that led to production errors.

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