Declaration of 

For us it goes without saying that it is our obligation to handle customers' personal data responsibly. Any personal data that we receive from you will be processed and used in accordance with all current data protection regulations. For detailed information, see our data privacy policy.

Consent to receive marketing and product information

I agree to periodically receiving marketing information by email from AUVESY GmbH. This information will include news and items of current interest associated with our software solution, details about services and invitations to upcoming events. Also included will be Newsletter, product announcements and special offers plus occasional questionnaires concerned with event feedback, customer satisfaction and updates of customer data (so that I remain appropriately informed in the future).  The contact details (title, first name, last name, email address, company) that I have given in contact forms can be used for this purpose.

Mailings are carried out by HUBSPOT, a platform for inbound-marketing and -sales of the company Hubspot, Inc., 25 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 USA.

AUVESY gathers various types of information, depending on the services I use, in order to provide me with offers and tips based on my personal interests.  This information could, for example, be the pages I visit on the AUVESY website, my IP address or details that I fill in on registration forms. In order to improve the usefulness for recipients of our emails, AUVESY ascertains how often they are opened and which links are clicked.

Additionally, the following information that I have entered on the AUVESY website or that has been stored in the AUVESY customer relationship management system (e.g. during the course of previous contact with the company) may be used:

  • Personal contact details (e.g. title, name, company, job title, role, country, telephone number)
  • Information about the company at which I work (e.g. address, industrial sector, other publicly available information)
  • Subjects and areas for which I have expressed a particular interest

I agree that AUVESY may personalise communications that it sends me on the basis of this data in order to better address my personal interests. AUVESY sales and marketing staff may also use the data to optimise its proposals to me of products and services so that they are more in line with my requirements and those of my company.

You can find more information about the processing of your data in the AUVESY website data privacy policy.

Right to withdraw consent

I can at any time withdraw or partially withdraw my consent to use my data for the above purposes by email to, by calling +49 6341 6810 300 or in writing via physical mail. I can at any time withdraw my consent to receive emails by clicking the unsubscribe link in an email. If I withdraw my consent, AUVESY will no longer send me marketing information on the basis this declaration of consent.