The challenge of the “Firefighting” Mentality 
in automated production

A firefighting mentality is one where organizations are frantically rushing to solve unexpected problems, making impulsive decisions, and applying short term “band-aid” solutions to restore production as quickly as possible. Production plants are particularly susceptible to this mentality. Why? Plants are up against a wide variety of risks to productivity and product quality. Human error, equipment failure, cyber attack, and natural disaster all have the potential to cause significant downtime. When every minute of downtime can cost thousands, it is critical to resume production as quickly as possible.

Nevertheless, very few production plants are adequately prepared for worst-case scenarios or even everyday issues. A proactive approach to data management for automation could save time, money, and effort. 


  • Why is the firefighting mentality so prevalent in manufacturing companies?
  • What are the risks and challenges faced by companies with a firefighting mentality?
  • How can a proactive approach to problem solving help overcome the firefighting mentality?

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