Plant Automation with 
Backup and Version Control

In an environment where production interruptions are costly and time-consuming, you may face challenges that impact your productivity. Unexpected hardware or equipment failures can occur suddenly, bringing your entire production to a standstill. The key question is: How can you avoid or quickly resolve these problems? Find out from our TIA Portal expert, Michael Grollmus:

  • How efficient data management increases your production reliability
  • Practical insights into manually backing up TIA Portal projects using a CPU including data blocks
  • Automating backups for Siemens PLCs
  • The critical role of version control software in factory automation
  • Effective methods for change tracking and process optimization

Register now for exclusive access to expert knowledge that will transform your production process. 

Your Experts

Michael Grollmus Michael Grollmus

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Michael Grollmus

CEO, Grollmus GmbH

AMDT Image AMDT Image


Director of Customer Service, AMDT

Victor Halblaub Victor Halblaub

Viktor Halblaub

Technical Consultant, AMDT

Kevin Elling Kevin Elling

Kevin Elling

Account Manager, AMDT