Enhance Your 
Operational Resilience

In today’s dynamic industrial landscape, ensuring the security and resilience of your operations is crucial for business success. Our resources and innovative strategies offer unparalleled protection for your OT systems, safeguarding them from disruptions and sophisticated cyber threats. 

Our robust OT backups, NIS2 compliance measures, and cutting-edge cybersecurity protocols work together to create a seamless shield around your critical infrastructure and fortify your operations. 

Discover how our tailored approaches can help you navigate the complexities of the modern industrial environment, ensuring your operations remain robust, secure, and resilient. 

Reliable OT Backups 
for Uninterrupted Operations

Ensuring your OT systems are resilient with regular backups is crucial for protecting your operations from unexpected disruptions. Regular backups minimize downtime, safeguard data integrity, enhance security, and ensure regulatory compliance—all critical components for your business.

octoplant offers a comprehensive solution with automated and reliable backups that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. This allows for: 

  • Quick Recovery from Disruptions: Minimize operational downtime and resume normal activities swiftly. 
  • Continuous Operational Stability: Maintain seamless operations without interruptions. 
  • Efficient Compliance Management: Meet regulatory standards with ease. 

By implementing a robust backup strategy with octoplant, you can protect your critical infrastructure, ensure long-term operational success, and ultimately secure your bottom line.

More about OT Backups
Tia Portal PLC Tia Portal PLC

Stay Compliant with 
NIS2 Regulations

The EU's Network and Information Security 2 (NIS2) Directive, aimed at improving the cybersecurity resilience of organizations, introduces stringent cybersecurity requirements for manufacturing companies, with potential fines up to tenmillion euros or two percent of global turnover.  

This directive is the first to target the entire industry, including sectors such as chemicals, food, mechanical engineering, transport, automotive, and electricals. NIS2 goes beyond previous regulations like NIS and KRITIS by specifying more detailed requirements and imposing higher penalties.  

AMDT is here to help you navigate the complexities of NIS2 with ease and offers you practical solutions to make sure you are compliant. Explore our free white paper to discover the requirements of the new NIS2 Directive and how you can address them.  

More about NIS2
NIS2 new security regulations NIS2 new security regulations

Advanced OT 
Cybersecurity Measures

In today's digital age, no business is immune from cyberattacks, especially industrial plant OT systems. Ransomware poses a significant threat, indiscriminate of the target's size or industry. The consequences can be severe, resulting in extended plant downtime, missed production deadlines, contractual penalties, and reputational damage. 

As cyber threats evolve, so should your security measures. octoplant offers a comprehensive solution to ensure operational resilience and protect your critical infrastructure. With real-time monitoring, vulnerability management, automated backups, and disaster recovery, octoplant helps you maintain operational security and resilience. 

More about OT Security
Cybersecurity production Cybersecurity production

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Ready to Enhance Your OT Security? Learn how octoplant can help you secure your supply chain and enhance resilience with OT security.